What's going on in Uusikaupunki

16 Torstaina 26. marraskuuta 2020 Ma-Pe 7.00-17.00, La-Su 8.00-14.00 Aittaranta 2, Uusikaupunki P. 044 982 1720 info@hotelliaittaranta.fi www.cafeaitta.fi Tänäkin vuonna voit tilata Cafe Aitasta JOULUPÖYDÄN HERKUT Laatikot, leivät, pikkuleivät ym. Teemme kaikki laatikot laktoosittomina ja gluteenittomina Tilauslomakkeen voit noutaa Aitalta tai tulostaa www.cafeaitta.fi 29.11. CAFE AITTA MYÖS ALISELLAKADULLA KLO 12 ALKAEN - glögiä, korvapuustia, munkkia sekä jouluisia tuotteita Granger T. Simmons Find the good things in your life In this editionof “What’s going on inUu- sikaupunki,” we will talk about holiday food, and by the way, today is Thanks- giving! I am excited to introduce to you some Holiday foods and desserts from my culture, and guess what? I am going to sharewith you two secret recipes, one savory and one sweet, for you to try and make during this holiday season. If this were a usual Thanksgiving, I would have been up cooking all night long and preparing to serve a house full of hungry and excited people. My turkey would be stuffed, beef marinating to be roasted, chicken seasoned and ready to be fried, macaroni and cheese ready to be baked and the apple pie cooling by the window. But things are a little different this year, the turkey is at the supermarket in the frozen foods section waiting for me to buy it, and all the other ingredients are on the shelves, calling out my name. GROUP gatherings are prohibited, so- cial distancing and the use of masks are being encouraged, the information and guidelines for what to do and what not to do are changing daily. And the num- ber of people affected by this virus is in- creasing around the globe. Last year, some of my American fri- ends who live in Turku came to visit, as well as my in-laws and a few of the American basketball players fromKori- hait, but this year the most we can do is a Zoom or Teams conference call while eating whatever we can find in our ref- rigerators. This is the firstThanksgiving that feels like this and I can only imagine what Christmas will feel like if family gathe- rings are banned and city borders are closed again in order to contain this vi- rus. ASODD andweird as everything is right now, I give thanks to God for everything that I have in life. I am not homeless, I have a familywho lovesme and cares for me, I amnot in the emergency roomon life support, I have peace, I have hope, I am happy and I have no reason to fear. So, although things aroundme look a bit different, the world is in turmoil and I have not bought a turkey this year, I still have joy. My current situation could be terrible, but it is quite good. I encou- rage all of you to find the good things in your life, treasure themandmake them bigger than any negativity or fear that you may be experiencing. Make efforts to repair broken relation- ships by apologizing even if you are not the one responsible, tomorrow may be too late. Smile, laugh, take time to be happy. When you wake up tomorrow morning, be grateful and declare that today will be the best day of my life! Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? I asked some of the American basketball players from Ko- rihait about the preferences for holiday food. Check out their answers. Hey guys, which of these dishes do you prefer? 1. Chitlins, Pig feet, fat back or bacon 2. String beans, Greens or Cabbage 3. Blackeyed peas or Butter beans 4. Flaky biscuits or Cornbread 5. Brown gravy or Light gravy 6. Yams or Sweet potatoes 7. Potato salad or Deviled eggs 8. Baked Macaroni and Cheese or Stovetop mac and cheese 9. Fried Chicken or Baked Chicken 10. Turkey white meat or Turkey dark meat 11. Honey glazed ham or Boiled ham 12. Corned Beef or Roast Beef 13. Stove Top stuffing or Stuffing from inside of the turkey 14. Pecan pie or Apple pie 15. Sweet potato pie or Pumpkin pie 16. Peach cobbler or Apple cobbler/crisp 17. Banana pudding, Waldorf Salad or Ambrosia 18. Eggnog or Caramel Apple Cider Trey Zeigler ■■ Bacon ■■ Collard greens ■■ Butter beans ■■ JIFFY cornbread ■■ Brown Gravy ■■ Yams ■■ Potato salad ■■ Baked Macaroni and Cheese ■■ Fried Chicken ■■ Turkey white meat ■■ Honey glazed ham ■■ Corned Beef ■■ Stove top stuffing ■■ Apple pie ■■ neither haha but if I had to choose sweet potato ■■ Apple cobbler ■■ I don’t think I have had any of these ever ■■ Eggnog Trevor Blondin ■■ Bacon ■■ String beans ■■ Butter Beans ■■ Flaky Biscuits ■■ Brown Gravy ■■ Sweet Potatoes ■■ Deviled eggs ■■ Baked Mac n cheese ■■ Fried chicken ■■ Turkey Dark Meat ■■ honey glazed ham ■■ Roast beef ■■ Stove top stuffing ■■ Apple pie ■■ Sweet potato pie ■■ peach cobbler ■■ banana pudding ■■ caramel apple cider Sal Nuhu ■■ I don’t eat pork because I’m Muslim ■■ String beans ■■ Blackeyed peas ■■ Flaky biscuits & Corn- bread... I can’t choose ■■ Brown gravy ■■ Sweet potatoes ■■ Potato salad ■■ Baked Macaroni and Cheese ■■ Fried Chicken ■■ Turkey white meat ■■ Roast Beef ■■ Stuffing from inside of the turkey ■■ Pecan pie ■■ Sweet potato pie ■■ Apple cobbler/crisp ■■ Banana pudding ■■ Caramel Apple Cider Joulukalenteri- ikkunat ilmestyvät taas katukuvaan UUSIKAUPUNKI Uudenkaupungin Vanhat Talot ry:n joulukalenterin ensim- mäinen luukku avautuu tiistaina 1. päivänä joulukuuta. Karttoja on jaossa keskiviikosta 25.11. alkaen Uudenkau- punginmuseossa, matkailutoimistossa, kirjastossa ja joissain keskustan liikkeissä. Mukana on tuttuun tapaan yksityiskoteja ja julkisia raken- nuksia sekä yrityksiä. Tältä näytti 24. luukku viime vuonna. PÄIVI SAPPINEN JOULUPUOTI Perinteinen Avoinna la 9-15 su 12-15 ark. 9-18 Alinenkatu 24, Uusikaupunki KenkäkauppaAlina Tmi Kaija Hellberg Pikku Putik Pirjo Rantanen Lounas-Kahvila Rosamunda Putiikki Sik-Sak PajalanToimintakeskus Laurin Harjat Torikauppa Lundelin Pookin herkkutehdas UudenkaupunginMerihistoriallinen yhdistys UudenkaupunginVanhatTalot Ry Lisäksi paljonmuita tuotteita. AVATAAN LA 28.11. klo 10